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Connoisseur Developer Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Preface

  2. Setting up

    2.1 Prerequisites

    2.2 Setting up Connoisseur in your computer

    2.3 Verifying the Setup

    2.4 Configure Coding Style

  3. Design

    3.1 Architecture: High Level View

    3.2 UI Component

    3.3 Logic Component

    3.4 Model Component

    3.5 Sorter Component

    3.6 Storage Component

  4. Implementation

    4.1 Mode Switch Feature

    4.2 Review Mode

           4.2.1 Add a Review Feature

           4.2.2 List Reviews Feature

           4.2.3 Sort Reviews Feature

           4.2.4 View a Review Feature

           4.2.5 Edit a Review Feature

           4.2.6 Delete a Review Feature

    4.3 Recommendation Mode

           4.3.1 Add a Recommendation Feature

           4.3.2 List Recommendation Feature

           4.3.3 Edit a Recommendation Feature

           4.3.4 Delete a Recommendation Feature

    4.4 Storage

           4.4.1 Storage Format

           4.4.2 Implementation

    4.5 Error handling

  5. Appendix

    Appendix A: Product Scope

    Appendix B: User Stories

    Appendix C: Non-Functional Requirements

    Appendix D: Instructions for manual testing

    Appendix E: Other Guides: Documentation, Testing, Dev-ops

    Appendix F: Glossary

1. Preface

Connoisseur is a desktop application for managing and storing a list of personal reviews on experiences, and a list of recommendations to try next.

The Developer Guide for Connoisseur v2.1 is designed for developers intending to improve Connoisseur, by fixing bugs, or perhaps adding entirely new features. It explains how the project is set up, the architecture used, and the code style you should adopt when contributing code to the project.

2. Setting up

The following section describes how to set up the coding environment on your own computer, in order to start writing code to improve Connoisseur.

2.1 Prerequisites

  1. JDK 11
    Download JDK 11
  2. Recommended integrated development environment for coding : IntelliJ IDEA
    Download IntelliJ IDEA

2.2 Setting up Connoisseur in your computer

Follow the steps in the following guide precisely. Things will not work out if you deviate in some steps.

  1. Fork this repo, and clone the fork into your computer.
  2. Open IntelliJ (if you are not in the welcome screen, click File > Close Project to close the existing project dialog first).
  3. Set up the correct JDK version for Gradle
    a. Click Configure > Project Defaults > Project Structure
    b. Click New... and find the directory of the JDK.
  4. Click Import Project.
  5. Locate the build.gradle file and select it. Click OK.
  6. Click Open as Project.
  7. Click OK to accept the default settings.

2.3 Verifying the Setup

  1. Run Connoisseur.main()
  2. Try a few commands.
  3. Run the tests to ensure they all pass.

2.4 Configure Coding Style

If using IDEA, follow the guide [se-edu/guides] IDEA: Configuring the code style to set up IDEA’s coding style to match ours.

Optionally, you can follow the guide [se-edu/guides] Using Checkstyle to find how to use the CheckStyle within IDEA e.g., to report problems as you write code.

3. Design

The following section describes the design and implementation of the product. We use UML diagrams and code snippets to explain some aspects of the code. If you are unfamiliar with UML, the diagrams should still be fairly understandable. However, you may wish to consult [CS2113/T] Modeling for a quick introduction to UML.

3.1 Architecture: High Level View

This section illustrates how the architecture components interact with each other

The following Figure 1, provides a rough overview of how Connoisseur is built.


Figure 1. Architecture of Connoisseur

As shown in Figure 1, the user interacts with UI, which takes in commands and displays output to the user.

The main Connoisseur class initializes the other components in the application. It passes the input received from the user to the logic component, which consists of Parser and Commands.

Parser will decipher the input and make the corresponding method calls in Commands. Depending on whether Connoisseur is in review or recommendation mode, the Commands class will execute the respective commands in the ReviewList and RecommendationList classes of the Model component.

In the case of storing data, Commands will interact directly with the Storage class to save the data.

The ReviewList class has sorting functions which requires Sorter. All the reviews will be passed to Sorter to be sorted, which then returns the sorted reviews back to ReviewList.

RecommendationList also interacts with ReviewList for converting Recomendations to Reviews.

3.2 UI Component

The UI component of Connoisseur consists of the classes UI and Messages. It is instantiated in the connoisseur() method and serves two main purposes:

The ui.readCommand() method reads the input which is then passed on to the Logic component.

The ui.println(output) method prints output to the console. Default output messages are stored as static string constants in the Messages class, while commonly used output messages are made methods by themselves. ui.printGreeting() is one such method and is called to display the welcome message to the user.

3.3 Logic Component


Figure 2. Logic Component of Connoisseur

As show in Figure 2, the Logic component of Connoisseur consists of the classes Parser and Commands. It is instantiated in the connoisseur() method and serves to translate user input into recognisable commands by the application.

The determineCommand() method of the Parser class deciphers the command word of the input, calling the respective command’s method in Commands.

Each method in Commands will then check the arguments provided with the commands to make sure that they are valid, before executing the command in Storage, ReviewList or RecommendationList.

3.4 Model Component


Figure 3. Model Component of Connoisseur

As shown in Figure 3, the Model component of Connoisseur consists of the classes ReviewList and RecommendationList. It is instantiated in the connoissuer() method and serves to store data as the program runs.

Both the classes in the Model component contain methods which modify the content of their respective ArrayLists, which consist of either Reviews or Recommendations.

3.5. Sorter Component


Figure 4. Sorter Component of Connoisseur

As shown in Figure 4, the Sorter component is a separate component which serves to sort the reviews based on a few sorting methods.

When the sortReviews() method is called in the ReviewList, a sortMethod parameter is passed together with it to the Sorter, which then determines which of the Sorts to sort the reviews by. If the sortMethod parameter is empty, Sorter will use the default sortMethod saved. The sorted reviews are then passed back to ReviewList.

3.6. Storage Component

The Storage component serves to implement the storage functions of Connoisseur. It saves and loads data represented as a JSON file in the ./data folder so that data can be retained after exiting Connoisseur.

On startup, Connoisseur checks if there is a connoisseur.json file in the ./data folder. If they exist, the data will be loaded via the loadConnoisseurData() method and used to initialize classes in the Model component. If the file and folder do not exist, they will be created and new instances of the classes in the Model component will be initialized instead.

Before exiting, Connoissuer will save the data from the Model component and write them to connoisseur.json located in the ./data folder.

4. Implementation

The following section describes the implementation of certain key features in the current version of Connoisseur. It also provides some background into our (the original developers of Connoisseur) thinking and the rationale behind the decisions.

4.1 Mode Switch Feature

The mode switch feature is shown in Figure 5. The two modes in Connoisseur are Review and Recommendation. These two modes have some overlapping commands. However, depending on the mode Connoisseur is currently in, the same command displays different output to the user. Each mode has its own unique features and commands as well. This section explains how the mode switch feature is implemented.


Figure 5. Mode Switching in Connoisseur

The following Figure 6 is the Sequence diagram to Switch Mode.


Figure 6. Sequence Diagram for Mode Switch Feature

A general explanation of how this feature works::

  1. User inputs commands that trigger mode switch. review and reco are commands which are recognised by Parser class as mode switching commands through the determineCommand() method.
  2. If review command is input by user, Commands class calls reviewMode() method which sets private boolean isReviewMode attribute to true.
  3. If reco command is input by user, Commands class calls recommendationMode() method which sets private boolean isReviewMode attribute to false.
  4. Finally, reviewMode() and recommendationMode() calls Ui class method println() to display message “You are in review mode” or “You are in recommendation mode” respectively as shown in Figure 4.

4.2 Review Mode

When User inputs a command, Commands class checks for the value of the attribute boolean isReviewMode before executing the command. As explained in section 4.1, when in review mode, boolean isReviewMode is equal to true. Hence, only commands that are recognised by the Review Mode are executed when input by user. Else, an “inavild command” message is displayed to the user.

This mode implements the following features:

4.2.1 Add a Review Feature

The mechanism to add a review is facilitated by the ReviewList class. The user is able to add in a new review using new , add ,new quick,add quick, new full or add full commands.

The following Figure 7 is the Sequence diagram to add a review.


Figure 7. Sequence Diagram for Add a Review Feature

A general explanation of how this feature works:

  1. Ui will read in user command and call Paser#determineCommand() to determine the input.
  2. Parser calls Commands#add if input entered is new or add.
  3. Commands calls ReviewList#addQuickReview() or ReviewList#addFullReview()to prompt and read respective information of the review such as title , category, rating and description(only prompted by addFullReview() method).

    1. title - a string with 20char limit, that will call ReviewList#checkAndPrintDuplicateRecommendation to check for duplicates in ArrayList reviews.
    2. category - a string with 15char limit, that cannot be whitespace or null.
    3. rating- a positive integer with 0 to 5 recognised as valid input, that cannot be whitespace or null. The input ‘-0’ would be treated as ‘0’.
    4. description - string with unlimited char limit.
  4. The violation of any constraints for each attribute will print an error message from ui and be promoted to re-enter a valid input.

  5. When all fields are valid, fields are added into a Review Class.

  6. The new Review object is added into an ArrayList reviews.

4.2.2 List Reviews Feature

This feature prints out Title, Category, Rating and Date string attributes for each Review object in the ArrayList reviews. The mechanism to list reviews is facilitated by the ReviewList class. The user is able to list all reviews using list command. The mechanism to list reviews sorted alphabetically according to either Title, Cateogry or from highest to lowest rating or from earliest/ latest Date of entry of the review is facilitated by the Sorter class.

The following Figure 8 is the Sequence diagram to list a review.


Figure 8. Sequence Diagram for List a Review Feature

A general explanation of how this feature works:

  1. Assuming additional parameters are not specified, Commands calls ReviewList#listReviews() to retrieve Review objects in the ArrayList reviews.
  2. If reviews array is empty, ReviewList calls Ui#printEmptyReviewListMessage() which prints message “You have no reviews, type ‘new’ to start!”
  3. If additional parameters specifying sort method in addition to list command is input (e.g list rating) , ReviewList calls Sorter#SortReviews(sortMethod).
  4. ReviewList class executes displayReviews() method to display a list of reviews to the user.

4.2.3 Sort Reviews Feature

The mechanism to change the saved sorting method is implemented by Sorter class

The following Figure 9 is the Sequence diagram to Sort a review.


Figure 9. Sequence Diagram for Sort Reviews Feature

A general explanation of how this feature works:

  1. User inputs command sort [sortType], where sortType is additional parameters the user can specify such as TITLE, CATEGORY, RATING, EARLIEST or LATEST.
  2. Parser calls Commands#sort().
  3. Since the command sort [sortType] is only recognised in review mode, if private boolean isReviewMode attribute of Commands class is set to false, Commands calls Ui#printCommandDoesNotExistInRecommendationMode().
  4. Else if private boolean isReviewMode attribute of Commands class is set to true, if user did not specify sortType, ReviewList calls Ui#printCurrentSortMethod().
  5. If user did specify sortType, ReviewList calls Sorter#changeSortMethod() which changes and saves to the specified sort method.

4.2.4 View a Review Feature

The mechanism to view a single specified review is implemented by ReviewList class

The following Figure 10 is the Sequence diagram to View a review.


Figure 10. Sequence Diagram for View a Review Feature

A general explanation of how this feature works:

  1. User inputs command view [title], where parameter title is the title of review that should be specified by the user.
  2. Parser calls Commands#view().
  3. Since the command view [title] is only recognised in review mode, if private boolean isReviewMode attribute of Commands class is set to false, Commands calls Ui#printCommandDoesNotExistInRecommendationMode().
  4. Else if private boolean isReviewMode attribute of Commands class is set to true, if user did not specify title of review, or it does not exist in the list , ReviewList calls Ui#missingTitle and Ui#invalidTitle respectively .
  5. If title of review exists in ArrayList reviews, ReviewList calls displaySingleReview() method which displays the specified review.

4.2.5 Edit a Review Feature

The mechanism to edit a specified review is implemented by ReviewList class

The following Figure 11 is the Sequence diagram to Edit a review.

Figure 11. Sequence Diagram for Edit a Review Feature

A general explanation of how this feature works:

  1. User inputs command edit [title], where the parameter title is the title of review that should be specified by the user.
  2. Parser calls Commands#edit().
  3. Since the command edit [title] is recognised in both review and recommendation mode, private boolean isReviewMode attribute of Commands class is set to true in this case.
  4. ReviewList class implements edits to the specified review object in ArrayList reviews and sets details.

4.2.6 Delete a Review Feature

The mechanism to delete a specified review is implemented by ReviewList class

The following Figure 12 is the Sequence diagram to Delete a review.

Figure 12. Sequence Diagram for Delete a Review Feature

A general explanation of how this feature works:

  1. User inputs command delete [title], where parameter title is the title of review that should be specified by the user.
  2. Parser calls Commands#delete().
  3. Since the command delete [title] is recognised in both review and recommendation mode, private boolean isReviewMode attribute of Commands class is set to true in this case.
  4. ReviewList class implements delete to the specified review object in ArrayList reviews and removes it from the ArrayList.

4.3 Recommendation Mode

This section provides details on the implementation of the various commands that occurs in the recommendation mode. This mode allows users to keep a list of recommendations that they have not tried/completed. When User inputs a command, Commands class checks for the value of the attribute boolean isReviewMode before executing the command. As explained in section 5.1, when in recommendation mode, boolean isReviewMode is equal to false. Hence, only commands that are recognised by the Recommendation Mode are executed when input by user. Else, inavild command message is displayed to the user.

This mode implements the following features:

4.3.1 Add a Recommendation Feature

This feature allows user to add a recommendation for any of the activities that they have not completed.

Title of a new recommendation cannot exist in current list of reviews. An error message would be printed out if it does.

The mechanism to add a recommendation is facilitated by the RecommendationList class. The user is able to add in a new recommendation using new or add command.

The following Figure 13 is the Sequence diagram to add a recommendation.

add reco seq

Figure 13. Sequence Diagram for add recommendations

A general explanation of how add recommendation works:

  1. Ui will read in user command and call Parser#determineCommand() to determine the input.

  2. Parser calls for Commands#add if input entered is new or add.

  3. Commands calls for RecommendationList#addRecommendation to prompt and read respective information such as title, category, price range,recommendedby and location.
    1. title - string with 20char limit, that will call RecommendationList#checkAndPrintDuplicateRecommendation to check for duplicates in both ArrayLists reviews and recommendations.
    2. category, recommendedby and location - string with 15char limit, that cannot be whitespace or null.
    3. price range-a string, that will call RecommendationList#checkPriceValidity and restrict it to 2 decimal places.
  4. The violation of any constraints for each attribute will print an error message from Ui and be promoted to re-enter a valid input.

  5. When all fields are valid, fields are added into a Recommendation Class.

  6. The new Recommendation is added into an ArrayList recommendations.

4.3.2 List Recommendation Feature

This feature prints out title, category, price range,recommendedby and location String attributes for each Recommendation class in the ArrayList recommendations.

The mechanism to list recommendations is facilitated by the RecommendationList class. The user is able to list all recommendations using list command.

The following Figure 14 is the Sequence diagram to list recommendations. List_Reco_seq

Figure 14. Sequence Diagram for list recommendations

A general explanation of how this feature works:

  1. Commands calls RecommendationList#listRecommendations() to retrieve Recommendation in recommendations
  2. RecommendationList calls itself displayRecommendations to iterate through and print Recommendation in recommendations.

4.3.3 Edit a Recommendation Feature

This feature allows the user to change the fields in a specific Recommendation Class in the ArrayList recommendations.

The mechanism to edit a recommendation is facilitated by the RecommendationList class. The user is able to edit in an existing recommendation using edit [TITLE] command.

The following Figure 15 is the Sequence diagram to edit a recommendation. Edit_Reco_seq

Figure 15. Sequence Diagram for edit recommendations

A general explanation of how this feature works:

  1. Commands will call RecommendationList#editRecommendation() to determine which Recommendation from the ArrayList recommendatios should be editied.

  2. RecommendationList then calls itself, editRecommendationFields. Similar to adding a recommendation, edit will take in either title, category, price range,recommendedby and location String attributes for that specific Recommendation class and replace previous String stored with new user input. After checking for duplicates, the violation of any constraints for each attribute will print an error message from Ui and prompt for a valid input.

4.3.4 Delete a Recommendation Feature

This feature allows the user to remove a specific Recommendation from the ArrayList recommendations.

The mechanism to remove a recommendation is facilitated by the RecommendationList class. The user is able to delete in an existing recommendation using delete [TITLE] command.

The following Figure 16 is the Sequence diagram to delete a recommendation. Delete_Reco_seq

Figure 16. Sequence Diagram for delete recommendations

A general explanation of how this feature works:

  1. Commands calls for RecommendationList#deleteRecommendation(), Connoisseur will check if the title given exists.
  2. If title exists, Connoisseur will remove it from the ArrayList recommendations.

4.3.5 Review a Recommendation Feature

This feature allows the user to change a specific Recommendation to a Review class, removing it from the ArrayList recommendations and adding it to the ArrayList reviws.

The mechanism to review a recommendation is facilitated by the RecommendationList class. The user is able to review in an existing recommendation using done [TITLE] command.

The following Figure 17 is the Sequence diagram to review a recommendation. Review_a_Reco_seq

Figure 17. Sequence Diagram for review recommendations

A general explanation of how this feature works:

  1. Commands calls for RecommendationList#convertRecommendation(), which retrieves fields from the Recommendation that is required by and creates a new Review Object.
  2. RecommendationList then calls for ReviewList#receiveConvert() with the new Review and inserts it into the ArrayList reviews.
  3. RecommendationList#convertRecommendation() continues with the chosen Recommendation object and removes it from the ArrayList recommendations.

4.4 Storage

The Storage class is responsible for loading data from memory and saving data to memory. The location of this data can be found at ./data/connoisseur.json and serves to retain all the information of the user after the application has exited. Other than the reviews and recommendations, it also saves the preferences of the user such as the sorting method as well as the display type.

4.4.1 Storage Format

The information is saved as a JSON Object in the data file. It consists of two strings, the sort method and display type, as well as two JSON Arrays which hold the reviews and recommendations. To facilitate easier conversion between the raw data and JSON object, a ConnoisseurData class was created to store all the data as a single object before conversion.

4.4.2 Implementation

The following is a Sequence diagram to illustrate how Connoisseur saves data on exit. saving_sequence

Figure 18. Sequence Diagram for saving data

  1. When the Commands#exit() method is called, Storage#saveConnoisseurData() will be called to save the data before exiting.
  2. Storage#saveReviews() is called to convert the reviews to a JSON Array.
  3. Storage#saveRecommendations() is called to convert the recommendations to a JSON Array.
  4. These are then combined with the sort method and display type and written to connoisseur.json.
  5. If there is an error writing to the file, an exception will be raised and the user will be notified.
  6. Finally, the exit message will be printed and connoisseur will exit.

4.5 Error Handling

Connoisseur provides default error handling. The default error handling system handles invalid input format and invalid file errors with exceptions. Connoisseur also has a customized exception, the duplicate exception. You can also choose to define your own custom error handling by creating custom exceptions.

Duplicate Exception The Duplicate Exception is used to handle titles of reviews or recommendations that are input by the user. If the title input is found, duplicate exception will be thrown.

The Duplicate Exception is thrown in addRecommendationDetails(), if the checkAndPrintDuplicateRecommendation(title) returns true. This error will be caught in the addRecommendation() method.

5 Appendix

Appendix A: Product Scope

Target User Profile

Value Proposition

Appendix B: User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 new user see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v1.0 user see the number of recommendations I have keep track of the number of reviews I’ve made
v1.0 user be able to save my previous recommendations refer to the old entries that I have
v1.0 busy user be able to do quick ratings save time
v1.0 user delete selected items that I no longer wish to recommend edit my list according to my liking
v1.0 busy user have a template to guide my reviews input my reviews quickly
v1.0 forgetful user remember the places I have visited and my feelings towards them avoid visiting those places I dislike again
v1.0 user who values convenience do quick ratings by entering the number of stars I can rate the experience I had
v1.0 user who values privacy access my person reviews of places private keep them safe on my device offline
v1.0 user be able to see the number of reviews or recommendations I have in my inventory have a consolidation of my experiences and what I want to experience
v2.0 indecisive user change my review and opinions on things record my opinions accurately at all times
v2.0 forgetful user be prompted of an existing review avoid duplicates in my list
v2.0 lazy user have my sorting preferences saved avoid having to input my preferred sorting method all the time
v2.0 user store my files in JSON format they can be exported as other file formats easily if required
v2.0 adventurous user have a recommendation feature (bucket list equivalent) track my list and convert them to reviews when accomplished

Appendix C: Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 installed.
  2. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text should be able to use the features of Connoisseur faster than by using the mouse.
  3. A user who wants to modify the save file can do so by using an application that is able to edit JSON files.

Appendix D: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

Launch and Shutdown

  1. Initial launch

     i. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.

     ii. Download the latest version of Connoisseur here.

     iii. Copy the downloaded Connoisseur.jar into your Desktop.

     iv. Open terminal and enter cd Desktop.

     v. Then, enter java -jar Connoisseur.jar.

     Expected: Shows the command line interface with welcome message.

  2. Shutdown Connoisseur

     i. Enter exit or bye into terminal while Connoisseur is running.

  Expected: A farewell message by Connoisseur will be shown.

Mode Switch

Switch between review and recommendation modes to manage reviews and recommendations respectively.

  1. Test Case: reco

    Expected: You are now in recommendation mode.

  2. Test Case: review

    Expected: You are now in review mode.

  3. Test Case: aaaa

    Problem: Invalid Command. Unable to switch modes.

    Expected: Invalid command, please try again.

Adding a Review or Recommendation

Allow user to add a review or recommendation, depending on whether they are in review or recommendation mode respectively.

User is in review mode

  1. Test Case: new or add

    Expected: Connoisseur will ask user if user wants to add a quick review, followed by prompting user to add in details of review.

  2. Test Case: new quick or add quick

    Expected: Connoisseur will prompt user to add in details of review, excluding the description.

  3. Test Case: new full or add full

    Expected: Connoisseur will prompt user to add in details of review, including the description.

  4. Test Case: Rating given is not an integer between 0 and 5 inclusive. -1

    Expected: Invalid number. Please add in a valid rating!

User is in recommendation mode

  1. Test Case: new or add

    Expected: Connoisseur will prompt user to add details of recommendation.

Duplicate review or recommendation title, (case-insensitive)

  1. Test Case: Avengers

    Expected: Prints details of existing review or recommendation, followed by Please try again with a unique title!

Empty Inputs

  1. Test Case e.g. title: null input or ` `

    Expected: This field should not be empty!

Longer than expected inputs

  1. Test Case e.g. title: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

    Expected: Please enter an input with less than 20 characters.

Editing a Review or Recommendation

Allow user to edit a review or recommendation, depending on whether they are in review or recommendation mode respectively.

  1. Test Case: edit <review/ recommendation tite>, review or recommendation title exists

    Expected: Connoisseur will ask user what the user wants to edit, until the user is satisfied with edits.

  2. Test Case: edit <review/ recommendation tite>, review or recommendation title does not exist.

    Expected: Specified review/ recommendation does not exist!

Duplicate review or recommendation title, case-insensitive)

  1. Test Case: Avengers

    Expected: Prints details of existing review or recommendation, followed by Please try again with a unique title!

Empty Inputs

  1. Test Case e.g. title: null input or ` `

    Expected: This field should not be empty!

Longer than expected inputs

  1. Test Case e.g. title: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

    Expected: Please enter an input with less than 20 characters.

    User is in review mode

  2. Test Case: Rating given is not an integer between 0 and 5 inclusive. -1

    Expected: Invalid number. Please add in a valid rating!

User is in recommendation mode

  1. Test Case: new or add

    Expected: Connoisseur will prompt user to add details of recommendation.

Setting preferred sorting method for reviews

Sets sort method as preferred sorting method for reviews.

Prerequisite: Connoisseur is in review mode.

  1. Test Case: sort <preferred sorting method>

    Expected: Success! Your preferred sorting method has been saved: <preferred sorting method in caps>

  2. Test Case: sort

    Expected: Displays how to use the sort function.

  3. Test Case: sort aaaa

    Expected: aaaa is not a valid sorting method, please try again.

List stored reviews or recommendations

Provide a consolidated view of reviews or recommendations, depending on which mode Connoisseur is in.

  1. Test Case: list

    Expected: Provides list of reviews in preferred sorting method if user is in review mode. Provides list of recommendations if user is in recommendation mode.

  2. Test Case: list abc

    Expected: Invalid Command. Please do not enter extra parameters or less parameters than required.

Marking a recommendation as done

Mark a recommendation as done and convert it to a review.

Prerequisite: Connoisseur must be in reco mode. Type reco to switch to reco mode.

  1. Test case: done <recommendation title> (case-insensitive, recommendation exist)

    Expected: Prompts to enter rating and option to enter description of review. This is followed by <recommendation title> has been made a review!.

  2. Test case: done <recommendation title> (recommendation does not exist)

    Problem: An attempt at marking a recommendation that does not exist as done.

    Expected : Specified recommendation does not exist!

Viewing the full details of a review

Viewing a review details with review descriptions.

Prerequisite: Connoisseur is in reco mode. This can be accomplished with the command reco.

  1. Test case: view <review title> (case-insensitive)

    Expected: Details of the task with the title in the review list is shown.

  2. Test case: view <review title that does not exist in list>

    Problem: An attempt at viewing a title that does not exist.

    Expected: Specified review does not exist!

Data Storage

Storage of user data (reviews and recommendations)

Test if Connoisseur is able to handle corrupted data files.

Prerequisite: Open connoisseur.json located at data\.

  1. Test case: Remove all the contents in the JSON file, leaving it blank.

    Problem: File is corrupted and not in JSON format.

    Expected: The error is handled by a program. The commandline interface with welcome message will be shown.

  2. Test case: Remove one of the commas (,) from the file if connoisseur.json is not empty.

    Problem: File is corrupted and not in JSON format.

    Expected: The error message Data file corrupted. Please remove the corrupted data file and try again. is shown.


Guide on the use of Connoisseur

  1. Test case: help

    Expected: A guide on how to use Connoisseur will be shown.

  2. Test case: help aaaa

    Expected: Invalid help command!

  3. Test case: help <command>

    Expected: A guide on how to use specific commands on Connoisseur will be shown.

This section contains links to other relevant guides that may be of use.

Appendix F: Glossary